

2024年10月 世界の不動産市場の動向

2024年10月 世界の不動産市場の動向


1. グローバル経済の安定と不動産市場の回復


2. 地域別の市場状況

  • アメリカ: 小売業界は予想を超える成長を見せ、過去18ヶ月で小売テナントの需要が急増しています。一方、オフィス市場はハイブリッドワークの普及により低迷が続いており、オフィスビルへの投資は大きく減少しています​。
  • ヨーロッパ: ユーロ圏では、消費拡大と賃金上昇が市場を支えており、不動産価値は徐々に安定しています。特に産業用不動産と住宅市場が強い成長を見せている一方で、環境基準を満たさないオフィスビルは引き続き厳しい状況にあります​。
  • アジア: 日本では、経済成長が緩やかであるものの、賃貸市場は堅調です。しかし、投資家は経済環境の改善を待ちつつあるため、取引量は減少傾向にあります​。

3. 持続可能性とインパクト投資


4. 新たな投資機会


  • 手頃な住宅供給: 建設コストの上昇により、新規供給が減少する中、手頃な価格の住宅需要が急増しており、長期的には投資家にとって魅力的な市場となっています​。
  • 物流不動産: 特に都市部の物流施設は、eコマースの需要拡大により高いパフォーマンスを維持しています​。





Global Real Estate Market Insights for October 2024

The global real estate market in October 2024 presents a complex yet evolving landscape. Key trends and challenges are shaping the market across various regions, influenced by higher interest rates, inflation, and shifting demand patterns. Here’s a look at the most critical insights from recent reports.

1. Global Economic Stability and Real Estate Resilience

After a tumultuous few years, signs of economic stabilization are emerging. Despite geopolitical and inflationary pressures, the real estate market has shown resilience. Investors are adapting to new norms, particularly with the advent of higher-for-longer interest rates. While high interest rates have slowed transaction volumes, high-quality assets that meet investors’ needs remain attractive, particularly in residential and industrial sectors​.

2. Regional Market Insights

  • United States: The retail sector has exceeded expectations, with retail tenant demand growing substantially over the last 18 months. However, the office market continues to struggle, as hybrid work models have become permanent. This has resulted in a significant drop in office building investments​.
    Europe: The Eurozone is seeing moderate growth, supported by increased consumption and wage growth. Real estate values are beginning to stabilize, particularly in industrial and residential sectors, while office spaces, especially those without strong ESG credentials, remain challenged​.
  • Asia: In Japan, despite modest economic growth, the real estate market remains attractive due to resilient rental demand. However, transaction volumes have declined as investors await a more favorable economic environment​.

3. Sustainability and Impact Investing

Globally, sustainability is becoming a central focus. Investors are increasingly factoring ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria into their strategies. This trend is most notable in Europe, where regulatory pressures and market demand are driving a shift toward green buildings and sustainable investments.

4. Emerging Opportunities

Despite the challenges, several opportunities are emerging:

  • Affordable Housing: As housing supply pipelines slow due to high construction costs, the demand for affordable housing continues to grow, presenting long-term opportunities for institutional investors​.
  • Logistics and Industrial Real Estate: The logistics sector, especially in urban areas, remains a strong performer due to rising e-commerce demand and constrained supply​.

The global real estate market in 2024 is navigating a transition period, requiring investors to adapt to new financial and societal dynamics. With challenges come opportunities, especially for those focused on sustainability, affordable housing, and resilient sectors like logistics.